The Pearlies of St Pancras were back on our Manor when we attended the Somers Town Festival. Our wonderful Pearly Pride Larraine Revah and her husband Benny and son Amir were our great help on the day. The START (Somers Town Art) Festival of Cultures is held on the second Saturday in July, on the site of the market in Chalton Street It is the biggest street festival in the Camden area and attracts about 10,000 people.
My Great Grandad George Dole the first Pearly King of St Pancras had a fruit and veg shop at 151 Chalton Street this is where he met his great friend Henry Croft who started off the Pearly tradition.
We met some great people and sold some of dads books The Pearly Prince of St Pancras there were some great acts on the stage and we entertained the passers by with a cockney singalong.
Larraine with some of the members of Camden Councillors the leader Sarah Hayward is in the Pink dress.
The fab stall with the lovely ladies from The British Library.
The Origin housing stand.